Meet & Greet "Making Peace"​
Making Peace - 1st Class​
Our Purpose
We are here to provide FREE one-on-one peer counseling, educational opportunities, support groups, Bible studies and prayer groups to create an environment of non-judgmental listening, sharing, prayer support and encouragement.
We Are A Safe Place For You!

Contact Us
To make an appointment to visit with a peer counselor or for more information about
Center for Women's Ministries, Fulton
please call 573-642-6198.

What We Do....
FREE One-on-One Peer Counseling
Support Groups
Seminars and Conferences
Marriage Peer Counseling
Bible studies
Prayer support

CWM Fulton is for women experiencing:
Loss and grief
Struggle in relationships
Difficult season of parenting
Recovery after addiction
Emotional hurts
Woundedness from childhood
Divorce care
Suicide, Fear or Abuse
...and many other areas
We Are:
We are a safe place for hurting women to receive non-judgmental listening, comfort, encouragement and prayer support. We are here to point women towards Jesus Christ, and to encourage them to draw closer to God through Him.
We are a 501(c)3.
CWMFulton is under the auspices of International Center for Women's Ministries, Inc. which is located in Bloomington, Indiana and was founded in 1989.

We Are Not:
A Church
We provide a welcome atmosphere for all women. We strongly encourage all volunteers and clients to be actively involved in their own local church. We believe that the most important thing is seeking God and a relationship with Him wherever you are.
Professional Therapists
Some individuals need the help of persons with more training and expertise than we can provide. They are referred to professional Christian counselors.
Contact Center for Women's Ministries, Fulton Missouri
820A Jefferson St., Fulton, MO 65251
Hours: M & W 10am - 2pm
Tu & Th 6pm - 8pm
To make an appointment to see one of our peer counselors, or for more information about CWMFulton, please call us at 573-642-6198.

"We've been
you are."
Center for Women's Ministries - 820A Jefferson St - Fulton, Mo - 573-642-6198 - cwmfulton@gmail.com - cwmfulton